Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bald is Beautiful

Here's the Chickenheads' dream for the future:

We each invest a piece of our nest eggs in a new yarn shop to be owned and operated by Bubbles. I can't imagine anyone ever being more enthusiastic about all things knitting - and more willing to help others be the same.

Bubbles stores a tremendous amount of knitting information in that bubbly, 25 year old head of hers. And whatever she doesn't know, she's smart (and patient) enough to research and figure out herself. Talk about a perfect yarn shop owner.

How many times have you walked into a yarn shop and become instantly overwhelmed with options and information? Or you can't find something you thought you wanted and have no idea what your second choice should be?

Think of these moments and then think about your local yarn shop. Is the woman who works there, very likely the same person who owns it, friendly, helpful and rooting for you to do something amazing (and not break the bank)?

If you answered yes to this question, consider yourself lucky. I've yet to find that kind of shop owner in my town. And, judging from our weekly meetings, Bubbles could easily be her.

Alas, none of us have any extra cash, or a rich daddy waiting to give us money. So instead we dream. And ever since Bubbles started dying her own yard and bought her her own spinning wheel, the Chickenheads have been joking that the next logical step is for Bubbles to own her own alpaca. Yes, the actual animal. And, I must warn you, she lives far enough out in the boonies to make this not all that crazy of an idea.

This link is in honor of Bubbles and the Chickenheads's communal dream to make all of our communal knitting dreams come true.

Bock, bock.


  1. she dyeing? her own yarn? Not out dying in her yard, right? I hope the former is the case, 'cause I'm rooting for her to open the Chickenheads Hen House of Fiber.

    I love your blog. Followed you from Ravelry...........

    Bock, bock

  2. Thanks Karen...and yes, she is DYEING! oops :-)

  3. If you dye your own yarn you need should know about our wash. The final step to any project is washing and blocking. Have you tired Kookaburra Wash? Kookaburra Wash is wonderful for your new knitted or crocheted projects but Kookaburra Wash's ability to clean and revitalize old projects we think will amaze you. If you haven't tried Kookaburra Wash you should check it out!
