Friday, February 20, 2009

A Chicken-Sized Dilemma

It has been brought to my attention by a discussion group on the Ravelry site that the term "Chickenheads" has a pretty racy slang meaning. Let's call it "fellatious" (not fallacious).

I'm not sure what to do with this information. The dirty side of me says, "Awesome! Leave it and love it!" Then there's the other side of me that doesn't want a swarm porn-addicted losers to stumble on this blog thinking they are going to find a bunch of female heads bobbing for their pleasure.

You do all know what I mean by Chickenheads, right? A bunch of women cluck, cluck, clucking in a room? Seems pretty clear to me and, frankly, a rather descriptive and a funny little image. Now it's a bit sullied. Or is it?

The ultimate irony of the situation is that the main reason I finally started the blog is because our conversations at knitting night have become so hysterical that I felt they had to be shared. What has been the topic of so much giggling and heated discussion the last two Tuesday nights? You got it - blow jobs.

So, maybe the name should stay and we'll see where it takes us....

Bock, bock.


  1. What? You gotta a problem with porn-addicted losers? They'll come... (pardon the expression)... and they'll go. And maybe you'll enlighten one or two along the way. Keep the name!

  2. I think you should keep the name too! Classic.

  3. Remember the movie "The Music Man"? Those "biddies" standing around clucking at each other, with the song "pick a little talk a little" going on in the background. It's one of my all time favorite scenes

    Whatever you decide, enjoy your blog (and the little knitted chicken! It's adorable!)

    all the best,

  4. i was going to to say keep it-precisely b/c of our blow job discussions. after reading nancy's musical-related comment i like it even more!
    -anonymous musical loving knitter
