Monday, April 27, 2009

Hormones, Knitting and "Unmentionables"

I swear I need to bring a tape recorder to knitting night if I want to capture the range of topics we cover in three hours. Since last week was our first meeting as a "full henhouse" in our normal roost (CertainT's house), we were bursting at the seams with blogworthy content. But when I got home, my mind a little buzzed and in overdrive from seeing my girls again, it was all a jumble. So I attempted to brainstorm a list of the topics that stood out the most.

Honestly, the list stands alone. So here it is - with relevant links added.

1. The difficulty of casting on with double pointed needles (related to the ear flap hat I decided to start that night, which was passed around to three different chickenheads until someone - Bubbles - was successful in getting it started for me).

2. Anal bleaching - Yes, there is such a thing. One of the 'heads saw a show with Margaret Cho who has apparently had this inane cosmetic procedure. I refused to believe this actually exists until CertainT brought out the laptop (note: CertainT is notoriously anti-computer so the fact that this was the topic that motivated her to break out the computer in the middle of knitting night is humorous enough:-) and pulled up an online video of the actual procedure. I didn't get up and walk around the room to watch it. But not because I wasn't curious - it's just these damn crutches make it too much of a pain in the, ugh, ass. I am all little too creeped out to link to the video here (I opted for the sanitized Wikipedia link above) for fear of attracting fetishists to this site. So if you you really want to know, I'm sure you can figure it out yourself.

3. Hormones - I don't think this subject has ever NOT come up during knitting night. Probably has something to do with the number of hot flash sufferers in the group.

4. Strawberry beer - Bubbles brought some kind of strawberry infused beer. I tried it (in fact, I took my percoset with it!) but wasn't a fan. But hey, worth a taste.

5. Testosterone - Apparently, injections of it can make some women extremely horny. Others, not so much.

6. Increase in shoe size after having a baby - Each of the three 'heads who have given birth all went up at least 1 shoe size during - and forever after - their pregancy. One more reason to hit the 'snooze' button on my maternal alarm clock? I'm already a size 9 for goodness sake!

Let's see what my pain pill-riddled brain chooses to remember from this week's group!

Bock, bock.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sock It To Me

As much as I'd like to think the Chickenheads couldn't possibly exist without me, they can - though I like to think it's not quite as much fun.

For the past three weeks I've been down and out, having had some major orthopedic surgery at the end of March. For the first week I was in the hospital, then 30 miles away at my mom's while I recovered. After two weeks I had a clear enough head to cast on my recovery blanket project, but quickly got stuck. Normally, getting stuck is no biggie since you can always wait til the following Tuesday night when one of the Chicks will help you. But my isolated situation made it more like a concrete-walled dead end. So I put the knitting aside and focused on my Barack Obama audio book instead (a worthy substitute I must say).

I finally came home last week and last night the Chickenheads were kind enough to relocate knitting night from CertainT's house to mine, relegating my poor boyfriend to the office downstairs in a failed attempt to drown out the bock, bocking.It was wonderful to have the group back together, though I will say I haven't been used to that much chitchat having been in near isolation during most of my recovery. But I suspect I will ease back in to the high energy level of the group as my own energy begins to return.

Clearly, some sort of sock fever has taken over the Chickenheads - a virus I have yet to catch. Rugby is insane about socks. When she is not knitting baby blankets for her pregnant friends, you can guarantee you will find her knitting up another adorable pair of socks. And Bubbles is now equally obsessed - dying her own sock yarn and acquiring sock books like they're going out of style. This is the book they are all obsessed with at the moment, and there are some tempting patterns in it for sure.

But for some reason I can't seem to get excited about knitting socks. I have had a half-knit pair on circulars sitting in my basket for months and I keep avoiding them. This, after an initial sock disaster that left me cursing socks for all eternity, which only inspired Bubbles to buy me some better sock yarn (she insists the yarn is why I had such a hard time) housed in a plastic contraption that keeps the balls of yarn from tangling up while you knit two socks at a time on double circulars.

As touched as I was (am) by Bubbles' fighting spirit, I still feel defeated by them. Perhaps I will change my mind - someday, when I run out of everything else. Or when I see Rugby's next cute pair and finally decide I have to have them for myself.

In the meantime, it's good to be back.
Bock, bock.